Monday, 28 December 2015

Growth on the lion continent (Africa) shows no signs of slowing down

Growth on the lion continent (Africa) shows no signs of slowing down
Growth in sub-Saharan Africa is forecast to accelerate to 5.8% in 2015 (IMF, October 2014), driven by the continued convergence of a number of big shifts: expanding middle classes, productive urban centers, better education, deeper mobile penetration, greater access to credit, and more.
In the consumer arena, this will mean rapidly changing demands and expectations from the hundreds of millions of individuals eager to participate in – and benefit from – new opportunities.
Growth on the lion continent shows no signs of slowing down and neither do eager African consumers!
10 Trends nay, 10 actionable innovation opportunities!
Amid all that excitement and expectation, how to get an edge?
Switched on business professionals will already be aware of the big currents listed above, and we won't simply repeat what a thousand articles say about them. Instead, we’re going to get straight to the heart of what consumer trends are all about: unlocking practical and actionable innovation opportunities.
It’s the innovations that you launch in 2015, not the trends you’re aware of, that will delight, surprise and bring love from your current (and future) customers.
So, what are you waiting for? 2015 is already here! Read the 10 trends below and think how each one can inspire you and your team.
Let’s get going!
Content Courtesy Of trend watching

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